Arion Banki


 About Arion Banki:

Arion Bank is a leading Icelandic bank offering universal financial services to companies, institutional investors and individuals. These services include corporate and retail banking, investment banking, capital markets services, treasury services, asset management and comprehensive wealth management for private banking clients.

How we helped Arion Banki:

Arion Bank is leading the Icelandic Financial Sector when it comes to Digitalization. The Bank needed to upgrade one of its backend systems and decided to recruit CoreMotif to assist with project management as the project needed both technical insight and disciplined steering. We joined the project when it had already started. Regardless of joining the project in later stages we managed in good co-operation with the Bank to redesign the project plan, complete preparations, oversee testing, design the communication plan and perform a detailed risk analysis and mitigation program needed to perform the upgrade. The project was completed on time despite the extremely short preparation period, within the upgrade window with full business continuity after the go live. We also assisted to perform the required knowledge transfer to the outsourcing partner so that he is in a better position to handle the support for the backend system and prepare for full takeover of the operations.

What does Arion Banki have to say about it:

"We contacted CoreMotif and asked them to help us with a project we had already started. From day one they showed us that their mottos of integrity and professionalism are something they practice. They stepped up as project managers, took the reins and oversaw the project to completion with great results. They also demonstrated expert understanding of the process and the underlying technology. We are very happy with the result and have already decided to involve the Core Motif team in next projects."

Hrannar Már Hallkelsson, Head of Technology Management

Jón Grétar Guðjónsson