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How we helped Fjármálaeftirlitið - Financial Supervisory Authority:

The goal was to align the FSA's IT department by facilitating a workshop on Enterprise Architecture and how FSA will establish their own EA models. CoreMotif designed the workshop agenda and facilitated the workshop which consisted of focused group work sessions and lectures. Following the workshop, CoreMotif compiled a report about the workshop results, including suggestions on what kind of quick wins could help FSA. CoreMotif also suggested a number of projects aimed at transforming the services of the FSA. 

What does the FSA have to say about it:

“FSA‘s IT department is a small but very busy department, we have to select our projects carefully to make sure we work on the most valuable projects.  We decided that it would be helpful to get CoreMotif to help us facilitate our Enterprise Architecture workshop. We were happy with CoreMotif‘s facilitation and agenda for the day and we appreciated their input during our collaboration.”

Bjarni Þór Gíslason, Head of IT

Jón Grétar Guðjónsson